Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The Dramatic Degradation of the Human Immune System

The Dramatic Degradation of the Human Immune System

In many countries worldwide over the past three and a half years the health and financial situation of the population has been falling downhill in a way that has never been seen in the past decades. Trend analysis shows increasing numbers of excess mortalities in all ages and a steep rise in a decay of […]

Mandated Vaccinations. Who is Responsible for Their Risks?

Mandated Vaccinations. Who is Responsible for Their Risks?

Opinion | If I am mandated to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in order to keep my job, and subsequently experience an adverse event, who is responsible? Who is responsible if I have neurological complications, a heart attack, or a stroke and am never able to work again. Who is responsible if I die? Correct me […]

COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Volunteer in India Develops Encephalopathy and Sues

COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Volunteer in India Develops Encephalopathy and Sues

A 40-year old business consultant in India, who volunteered to be a participant in clinical trials of the experimental COVID-19 vaccine (Covishield) created by AstraZeneca and Oxford University is suing Serum Institute of India (SII), which is producing the vaccine in India, for 50 million rupees ($680,000) after he developed acute encephalopathy (brain dysfunction) within […]

Vitamin D Might Just Save You From Getting COVID-19

Vitamin D Might Just Save You From Getting COVID-19

A study conducted at the University of Chicago and published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that vitamin D deficiency may have been factor in the infections of COVID-19 patients. In fact, patients that had a vitamin D deficiency or those whose deficiency were not treated were almost twice as […]

DES Tragedy Offers Cautionary Tale for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

DES Tragedy Offers Cautionary Tale for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

The synthetic estrogen Diesthylstilbestrol (DES) was prescribed to pregnant women in the U.S. from 1938 to 1971 for the prevention of miscarriages and premature births. In 1953, published research showed that DES did not in fact prevent miscarriages or premature births. However, physicians continued to prescribe it until 1971, when the FDA warned that the […]

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