Monday, February 10, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


California’s Autism Epidemic Worse Than Ever

California’s Autism Epidemic Worse Than Ever

On June 29, 2015, then-governor of California Jerry Brown signed into law California Senate Bill 277. The law, which took effect on July 1, 2016, removed the personal belief/religious exemption to vaccination for children attending public and private schools and daycare centers. SB 277 was followed by SB 276 and its companion bill SB 714 […]

California Special Ed Spending Up 20 Percent to $13 Billion

California Special Ed Spending Up 20 Percent to  Billion

California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office  (LAO) has issued a report revealing that public spending on special education students in California has risen by more than 20 percent during the past 10 years, from $10.8 billion to $13 billion. One out of every eight students in California’s public school system now requires special education services, with the […]

A Glimpse of the World Before Vaccines

A Glimpse of the World Before Vaccines

A common historical theme has emerged in many recent articles about this year’s measles outbreak in the United States. It is perhaps best exemplified by the headline in an opinion piece in National Geographic magazine: “The world before vaccines is a world we can’t afford to forget.” The theme is meant to emphasize the importance […]

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