Thursday, February 13, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


COVID Shot Reactions Force French Soccer Player to Retire

COVID Shot Reactions Force French Soccer Player to Retire

Francois-Xavier Fumu Tamuzo, former French U20 player, is suing Pfizer-Germany, Pfizer-France, BioNTech and the French Football Federation (FFF) for injuries he said he sustained from the Comirnaty mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) COVID-19 shot. The 29-year-old professional football player is poised to retire early, as soon as this summer, due to his vaccine injuries.1 While getting […]

What Weakened Immune Systems Have Wrought for Children

What Weakened Immune Systems Have Wrought for Children

In the report of June 24, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) noted a further rise from 450 cases to 920 cases of acute hepatitis in children worldwide from May 26 to June 24, mostly (78 percent) in children under the age of 6 years. Unfortunately, forty-five children required liver transplants and 18 children died. Most […]

The Threat of Self-Spreading Vaccines

The Threat of Self-Spreading Vaccines

It may sound like the plot of a science fiction movie, but U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded scientists have been secretly working on genetically-engineered live virus vaccines, which they refer to as “contagious” vaccines, that can transmit vaccine strain viruses through a population on their own. The vaccines are so contagious that only […]

The Rise of Hepatitis

The Rise of Hepatitis

The number of previously healthy children younger than 16 years of age with mysterious hepatitis cases have doubled in two weeks to 450 cases worldwide, including 11 deaths. Most cases have been reported in the U.K. (160) and the U.S. (currently, 180). In Europe most cases are found in Italy (35) and Spain (22). Over 8-14 percent […]

More Monkeypox Cases Identified as Roche is Ready With PCR Tests

More Monkeypox Cases Identified as Roche is Ready With PCR Tests

There had been 584 confirmed cases of monkeypox virus in 26 countries as of May 31, 2022.1 The largest outbreak is in the United Kingdom where 190 people are infected with the virus, followed by Spain with 132 people infected, and Portugal with 100 people infected. Before this year, monkeypox in humans was thought to […]

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