Saturday, July 27, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


COVID Shots and Rise in Excess Deaths in Many Countries

COVID Shots and Rise in Excess Deaths in Many Countries

A recent study published in the British medical journal The BMJ found a total of 3,089,465 “excess deaths” reported in 47 Western countries during the first three years of the COVID-19 pandemic—from Jan. 1, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2022. The study, conducted by researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands, suggests that part of the […]

Rand Paul Exposes the ‘Great COVID Cover-up’

Rand Paul Exposes the ‘Great COVID Cover-up’

In an explosive new op-ed, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) claimed that at least 15 separate federal agencies knew that attempts to create a COVID-19-like coronavirus were being undertaken at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as early as January 2018. Yet, heads of these agencies did not reveal this information to the public; for years, they actively refused to release information […]

Bird Flu Outbreaks & the WHO/IHR Pandemic Treaty Push

Bird Flu Outbreaks & the WHO/IHR Pandemic Treaty Push

Even as U.S. health agencies and the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) are being heavily criticized for their botched response to the COVID-19 pandemic,1 2 3 WHO officials are ramping up pressure on all nations to sign a WHO pandemic treaty and amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR), which will give them […]

Study Shows Increased Cancer Deaths After Third Dose of mRNA COVID Shots in Japan

Study Shows Increased Cancer Deaths After Third Dose of mRNA COVID Shots in Japan

A 2024 study published in The Cureus Journal of Medical Science evaluated how age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) for different types of cancer changed during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022) in Japan.1 Age adjusted rates is a statistical process to make fair comparisons between groups of different ages, especially with diseases such as cancer that tend to […]

Texas Man and Dairy Cattle Test Positive for Bird Flu

Texas Man and Dairy Cattle Test Positive for Bird Flu

A man in Texas has tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu after direct exposure to infected dairy cattle. While this is the second recent case of bird flu identified in humans in the United States, it is the first time the disease has been found in dairy cattle.1 The first case of H5N1 in […]

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