Monday, January 13, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Pfizer Hid Data on Waning Immunity

Pfizer Hid Data on Waning Immunity

In late 2020, the airways became saturated with triumphant reporting of Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” COVID-19 vaccines. Millions rolled up their sleeves with the belief that reaching herd immunity would end the pandemic. But by June 2021, the pandemic endgame story had gone off script. Highly vaccinated countries like Israel were experiencing a new wave of […]

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False

We now have the data in black and white from Pfizer itself: already when the vaccines were launched, it was known that they would not protect from the spread of infection. And yet, millions of people have taken the vaccine, mainly because of the heavy social pressure felt through the solidarity argument. Therefore, they have […]

Vaccine Passports are Akin to Institutionalized Segregation

Vaccine Passports are Akin to Institutionalized Segregation

Opinion | Increasingly, vaccination is no longer a matter of choice. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of workplaces and schools are instituting COVID-19 vaccine mandates, with more expected following formal FDA licensure of the vaccines. But mandating people and their children who have consciously chosen not to get vaccinated—a group that tends to be younger, less educated, […]

We Need More Details and Raw Data on Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

We Need More Details and Raw Data on Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

On Nov. 26, 2020, when I raised questions1 about the results of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine trials, all that was in the public domain were the study protocols2 and a few press releases.3 Now, two journal publications4 and around 400 pages of summary data are available in the form of multiple reports presented by and to the U.S. Food and Drug […]

Pfizer’s Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine 90 Percent Effective?

Pfizer’s Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine 90 Percent Effective?

The German biotech firm BioNTech SE issued a joint press release with its American partner Pfizer, Inc. on Nov. 9, 2020 to announce that interim analysis of a global Phase 3 study of their mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine appeared to demonstrate an efficacy rate “above 90%”measured seven days after the second dose.1 “This is really a […]

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