Thursday, October 17, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Federal Government Paid Media Outlets to Promote the COVID Vaccine

Federal Government Paid Media Outlets to Promote the COVID Vaccine

After releasing my three-part series earlier this year showing how multiple media outlets refused to platform dissent on the COVID vaccine, I was asked on multiple podcasts why this was the case. Ideological groupthink, fear of exacerbating institutional distrust, and financial motives were on my list of potential explanations, but I did not have concrete evidence. […]

New Movie Highlights Young People Who Died After Getting COVID Vaccine

New Movie Highlights Young People Who Died After Getting COVID Vaccine

The Department of Justice is posting a new jobs ad looking for eight new attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases. More and more people are finding the courage to try to challenge the drug companies, which is nearly impossible, but also the federal government for forcing these [COVID-19] vaccines on us […]

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