Pediatricians Get Paid to Push Vaccines. And It’s No Small Amount of Cash.

Opinion | In April 2023, I reported how primary care providers across the U.S. were bribed with incentive programs to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID-19 shot. Since there was no medical malpractice liability, doctors profited while patients risked their lives as participants in an unprecedented medical experiment, all while being lied to about […]
Acetaminophen Linked to Autism and Other Neurological Disorders in Children

Citing new studies linking the analgesic drug acetaminophen (a chemical also known as paracetamol or by brand names Tylenol and Panadol) to the development of neurological conditions such as autism, attention-deficit disorder and hyperactivity in their children, women in the United States have filed 87 lawsuits in seven states against several pharmacies that sell the […]
The Underlying Problem With Vaccine “Experts”

I think one of the most misused words in the English language is “expert.” Experts are often cited by media outlets that are always searching for people to interview for their news stories and programs. Governments also regularly seek counsel from experts on policy decisions or ideas. Perhaps nowhere are experts as popular as in the field of […]
Understanding PCR Tests for Coronavirus

Opinion | From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the clarion call has been to test, test and test some more. However, right from the start, serious questions arose about the tests being used to diagnose this infection, and questions have only multiplied since then. Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests have been […]
How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials are Designed

There’s been a lot of talk lately about whether or not the fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine will in fact be safe and effective. While vaccine makers insist that any vaccine reaching the market will have undergone rigorous testing, the way trial protocols are designed suggests these vaccines may leave a lot to be desired. As reported1 by […]
What Does Zinc Bring to the Table?

Story Highlights Zinc is a trace element necessary for human health and has many important benefits including anti-inflammatory properties and powerful immune system support. It has long been used to reduce the duration and severity of the common cold, which is generally caused by coronaviruses. Zinc is not made by or stored in the body […]