FDA Removes Informed Consent Protections from Some Human Clinical Trials

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a final rule that authorizes some experimental human clinical trials to operate without first obtaining informed consent from participants. The new rule, which took effect on Jan. 22, 2024, allows clinical investigations that pose no more than a “minimal risk” and have appropriate safeguards to protect […]
There’s No Need to Ban These Vaccines

Opinion | Individual sovereignty means that people can make their own choices, based on their own assessment of risk. It means that others can advise them, but not compel them. It is a basis for modern human rights and natural law. Public health practitioners like to voice support for these principles, but also really feel […]
Metcalfe Informed Consent Press Conference

We’re here today to talk about informed consent protection. … House Bill 286 is legislation I’ve introduced to ensure that children still have access to pediatric care and cannot be denied care because their parents are exercising their parental rights and doing their own due diligence in making what they believe is the best informed […]