Thursday, February 13, 2025


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


The Bulk of Credible Science Finds Vaccines ‘Can and Do’ Cause Autism

The Bulk of Credible Science Finds Vaccines ‘Can and Do’ Cause Autism

It’s amazing how many media figures remain so uninformed on the proven links between vaccines and autism. Without knowing the subject thoroughly, they keep falsely claiming the links have been “debunked.” Quite the opposite. I understand, because I was surprised, too, at what I learned when I was first assigned to cover the subject of […]

COVID Vaccine Trials | Sharyl Attkisson

COVID Vaccine Trials | Sharyl Attkisson

Florida’s Surgeon General recently called for a halt in COVID vaccines due to safety questions, while the federal government continues to heavily promote them for adults and kids alike. Today we begin with a little-told story about COVID vaccine injuries. It’s the story of Maddie, one of the children who took part in Pfizer’s vaccine […]

Failing Health | Full Measure

Failing Health | Full Measure

For all the trillions we spend on health care each year, there’s an underreported scandal in America impacting all of us. Life expectancy has taken a sharp dive, and our death rate is trending in the wrong direction—up, not down. … If we believe that the function of the pharmaceutical industry and the biotech industry […]

COVID Among the Amish

COVID Among the Amish

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania… thousands of families lead lives largely separate from modern America. The Amish are a Christian group that emphasizes the virtuous over the superficial. They don’t usually drive, use electricity or have TVs. And during the COVID-19 outbreak, they became subjects in a massive social and medical experiment. … So it’s safe to […]

Counting COVID Deaths

Counting COVID Deaths

As hindsight comes into clearer focus, we’re learning a lot about mistaken advice and policies amid the COIVD-19 pandemic. One still murky and disputed area involves the death toll—now upwards of 640,000 in the U.S., according to CDC. Some insist the true count is much higher, others claim it’s lower. Today we begin with the […]

Research Ethics | Full Measure

Research Ethics | Full Measure

We begin with questions about ethics concerning medical research on humans. The effort to find a coronavirus vaccine has already moved to fast-track trials and people by necessity, but other human research in recent years, some conducted by federal researchers and prominent hospitals and universities, were found to have violated strict rules governing studies on […]

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