COVID Among the Amish

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania… thousands of families lead lives largely separate from modern America. The Amish are a Christian group that emphasizes the virtuous over the superficial. They don’t usually drive, use electricity or have TVs. And during the COVID-19 outbreak, they became subjects in a massive social and medical experiment. … So it’s safe to […]
Disease Is the Newest Excuse for Segregation

Walking through several airports to catch planes this week, I stepped on hundreds of stickers with the exhortation
Amish Children to Be Denied an Education in New York

An Amish family filed a lawsuit in October 2019 arguing that the removal of the religious exemption to vaccination mandated for school attendance violated their rights under the New York Constitution. The family had three unvaccinated children, who were shut out of a private school that enrolled only 24 students, all of whom were Amish […]