Sunday, September 22, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Pollution from Face Mask Litter Up 9,000 Percent

Pollution from Face Mask Litter Up 9,000 Percent

A study that conducted by the University of Portsmouth and published in the journal Nature Sustainability found that facemask litter has increased by 9,000 percent in the first seven months of the pandemic, from March 2020 to October 2020.1 2 The findings show that facemasks are creating plastic pollution, which could last hundred of years […]

U.S. Autism Rate Rises to 1 in 44 Children

U.S. Autism Rate Rises to 1 in 44 Children

Last month, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control  and Prevention (CDC) published an analysis of 2018 data from nearly a dozen states confirming that the autism rate for eight-year-old children in the United States has risen to 1 in 44 children.1 Rates were 1 in 54 eight-year-old children in 2016,1 1 in 150 in 2000,2 […]

Omicron Found Mostly in Vaccinated Americans So Far

Omicron Found Mostly in Vaccinated Americans So Far

On Dec. 1, 2021, the first case of the new SARS-CoV-2 variant known as Omicron (initially designated “B.1.1.529”) in the United States was confirmed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in California. The case involves a fully vaccinated individual in San Francisco who had returned from a trip to South Africa […]

Science Behind COVID and Diet-Related Disease Largely Overlooked by U.S.

Science Behind COVID and Diet-Related Disease Largely Overlooked by U.S.

Nations outside of the United States are working to tackle what science has repeatedly shown: there is a link between life-style related disease and the risk of COVID-19 and resulting complications. Meanwhile, the U.S. government and health officials keep the COVID conversation fueled surrounding vaccine mandates and mask enforcement, with little to no mention of […]

Tracking the Mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Tracking the Mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus

As is the nature of viruses, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 disease symptoms continues to mutate. Some scientists estimate it evolves at a rate of two new mutations every month, although most changes are minor and considered clinically unimportant.1 2 Depending on the type of genetic changes that occur, mutations can affect disease symptoms, […]

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