Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


More Than 20 Percent of Children in America Suffer from Obesity

More Than 20 Percent of Children in America Suffer from Obesity

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics reported that the obesity rate among children and adolescents between the ages of two and 19 years old has risen to nearly 22 percent from 2011 to 2020 in the United States.1 2 Obesity Up Among Children of All Races and Ethnic […]

CDC Finds Glyphosate in Urine of Majority of Children in U.S.

CDC Finds Glyphosate in Urine of Majority of Children in U.S.

A recent analysis by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that urine samples of approximately 87 percent of 650 children living in the United States had detectable levels of the weed killer pesticide glyphosate.1 What is Glyphosate? Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the U.S. in the agricultural industry […]

Polio Case in New York Caused by “Vaccine-Derived” Poliovirus

Polio Case in New York Caused by “Vaccine-Derived” Poliovirus

Opinion | The first reported case of polio in the United States since 2013 was confirmed in New York last week. According to New York health officials, a young adult in Rockland County contracted type 2 “vaccine-derived” poliovirus (VDPV2), which may have been transmitted by someone who received the Sabin live attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV). […]

‘COVID-19 Rebound’ May Be Worse Than Initial COVID Illness

‘COVID-19 Rebound’ May Be Worse Than Initial COVID Illness

On May 24, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a health advisory to health care providers, public health departments and the general public regarding Pfizer’s antiviral drug Paxlovid, designed to treat symptoms of COVID-19. The advisory warns that some people who take Paxlovid may experience a recurrence of COVID symptoms […]

WHO to Rename Monkeypox Virus to Prevent Stigma Associated with the Virus

WHO to Rename Monkeypox Virus to Prevent Stigma Associated with the Virus

On June 14, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it would rename the monkeypox virus after a group of scientists expressed the opinion that the name “monkeypox” is stigmatizing.1 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the WHO, said that the United Nations organization is working with partners and the scientific community around […]

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