Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Birth Rates Plummet in Countries Most Heavily Vaccinated Against COVID-19

Birth Rates Plummet in Countries Most Heavily Vaccinated Against COVID-19

A team of European researchers have determined that birth rates in 19 European countries declined sharply toward the end of 2021 following peak COVID-19 vaccine uptake earlier that year in the spring. The research, compiled in August 2022, found that decreased birth rate patterns persisted all of the countries represented in the data, including Germany, […]

U.S. May Vaccinate Poultry in Response to Bird Flu Outbreak

U.S. May Vaccinate Poultry in Response to Bird Flu Outbreak

The U.S. government is considering a mass vaccination campaign for commercial poultry as an option to address an outbreak of pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 (bird flu) in the country.1 In February 2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced an H5N1 virus outbreak in a commercial turkey […]

NFL Urged to Screen Players for COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Heart Inflammation

NFL Urged to Screen Players for COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Heart Inflammation

The National Football League (NFL) is facing pressure to offer cardiac screenings for players due to evidence that the COVID vaccine causes heart inflammation. The Health Freedom Defense Fund sent a letter urging that players be tested and screened to determine whether they have been adversely affected by the controversial shots and that a long-term […]

Study Shows mRNA Can Persist in the Body Up to 28 Days

Study Shows mRNA Can Persist in the Body Up to 28 Days

A new study from Denmark shows that the messenger RNA (mRNA) genetic material, which  instructs the body’s cells to make the SAR-CoV-2 spike protein, can be found in the blood as long as 28 days after vaccination with Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty or Moderna/NIAID Spikevax mRNA COVID1-9 biologics. These findings stand in direct contrast to claims by […]

U.S. Starts to Discern Between Those Dying From COVID and Those Dying With COVID

U.S. Starts to Discern Between Those Dying From COVID and Those Dying With COVID

There is a difference between dying from COVID-19 and dying with COVID-19. The number of people dying with the disease may be significantly greater than those dying from it. A recent article by CNN medical analyst and Washington Post columnist Dr. Leana Wen made the distinction between dying from COVID and dying with COVID. Dr. […]

Diabetes Among American Youth Predicted to Increase 700 Percent by 2060

Diabetes Among American Youth Predicted to Increase 700 Percent by 2060

According to a new report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), type 2 diabetes is predicted to surge almost 700 percent in young people by 2060 if current trends continue. Currently, 37 million or one in 10 Americans suffer from diabetes.1 Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to produce […]

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