Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Physical Activity Boosts Brain Health

Physical Activity Boosts Brain Health

If you are not already making exercise a regular part of your life, you may be missing out on brain boosting benefits including decreased risk of depression and anxiety, improved learning and memory, lowered risks of ADHD and dementia and more.1 The benefits of exercise on heart health, muscle mass, and reducing inflammation are widely […]

Enterovirus Infection Reportedly Linked to Severe Myocarditis in Babies

Enterovirus Infection Reportedly Linked to Severe Myocarditis in Babies

On Apr. 5, 2023, the World Health Organization  (WHO) received information from the National IHR Focal Point (NFP) for the United Kingdom (U.K.) of an increase in severe myocarditis in infants believed to be associated with an enterovirus infection in Wales.1 Enterovirus is a common pathogen that can cause respiratory illness, hand, foot and mouth […]

Highly Processed Foods Linked to Decline in Brain Health

Highly Processed Foods Linked to Decline in Brain Health

Increased risks of diabetes, heart issues, obesity, and cancer are just some of the ways that highly processed foods impact human health. Research over the past 10 years has also demonstrated just how much American’s highly processed food pantry staples affect the brain as well.1 Studies have found that mental effects of highly processed foods […]

U.S. Military Uses AI Monitored Wearable Devices to Detect Infectious Disease in Service Members

U.S. Military Uses AI Monitored Wearable Devices to Detect Infectious Disease in Service Members

In a public-private collaboration with a technology company, the U.S Department of Defense’s (DoD) Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) developed AI monitored wearable devices that were used to detect infections in military personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project is known as the Rapid Assessment of Threat Exposure (RATE),1 which characterizes infections as a security and […]

UN Says Confidence in Childhood Vaccines Down 44 Percent Worldwide

UN Says Confidence in Childhood Vaccines Down 44 Percent Worldwide

A new report conducted by the Vaccine Confidence Project published by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) concluded that confidence in childhood vaccines has dropped by 44 percent in 52 countries in recent years. The report surveyed 55 countries and all but three countries—China, India and Mexico—showed a steep decline in vaccine confidence since the […]

U.S. Autism Rate Rises to 1 in 36 Children

U.S. Autism Rate Rises to 1 in 36 Children

On Mar. 24, 2023, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an analysis in its epidemiological digest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report  (MMWR) which found the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among children eight years old in the United States to be 1 in 36 (2.8 percent).1 2 3 4 5 […]

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