Sunday, September 22, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Armed SWAT Team in Arizona Breaks Down Door of Family with Unvaccinated Child

Armed SWAT Team in Arizona Breaks Down  Door of Family with Unvaccinated Child

Just after 1 a.m. the morning of Feb. 25, 2019, a SWAT team with guns drawn broke down the door of a suburban home in Chandler, Arizona where parents were caring for an unvaccinated child with a fever. The armed policemen had a “temporary custody notice” from a judge to remove a two-year-old from the […]

New York Bill Would Strip Parental Consent for Vaccinating Children

New York Bill Would Strip Parental Consent for Vaccinating Children

Story Highlights Informed consent to medical treatment is a foundation of ethical medical practice today, giving adult patients and parents of minor children the right to make voluntary decisions based on full disclosure of the benefits and risks involved in a proposed medical intervention. Historically, medical intervention for children (usually defined as those under age […]

Government Should Not Force Parents to Vaccinate Children Says Kentucky Governor

Government Should Not Force Parents to Vaccinate Children Says Kentucky Governor

In a recent interview, Kentucky’s Governor Matt Bevin said that he supports parents who decide to vaccinate their children but also supports the right of parents to opt against vaccinating their children. He said he believes that such a decision should be left up to parents and not the government.1 2 “This is America. The […]

The Case Against Mandatory Vaccination

The Case Against Mandatory Vaccination

Public policy in our country and state today is being driven by many dangerous elements and forces. Of substantial concern are policies, agendas and legislation being driven by claims of crises, which do not exist and are unsupported by reality, fact or science. It is dangerous when these claims are driven by the politics of […]

Sen. Rand Paul Favors Liberty Over Vaccine Mandates

Sen. Rand Paul Favors Liberty Over Vaccine Mandates

U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky expressed his opposition to government mandates forcing people to vaccinate themselves and their children. At a hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Mar. 5, 2019, he was the only Senator or invited witness at the hearing who made a statement urging caution about the […]

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