Sunday, September 22, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Google Will Track Cell Phone User Locations to Monitor “Social Distancing”

Google Will Track Cell Phone User Locations to Monitor “Social Distancing”

Story Highlights Google has launched a new electronic surveillance initiative that collects location data from users of Google products and services, including cell phones, to track “social distancing” activity and publicly post “Community Mobility Reports” on a new Google website. Google surveillance reports will track and publicly report on the movements and activity of electronic […]

Amish Children to Be Denied an Education in New York

Amish Children to Be Denied an Education in New York

An Amish family filed a lawsuit in October 2019 arguing that the removal of the religious exemption to vaccination mandated for school attendance violated their rights under the New York Constitution. The family had three unvaccinated children, who were shut out of a private school that enrolled only 24 students, all of whom were Amish […]

Chinese Taken from Homes by Police to Coronavirus Quarantine Camps

Chinese Taken from Homes by Police to Coronavirus Quarantine Camps

The New York Times on Feb. 6, 2020 was the first mainstream media outlet to report that Chinese government authorities responding to the country’s coronavirus epidemic had ordered round-the-clock house to house police searches to take the temperatures of all residents in Wuhan and detain anyone found to be sick or suspected of being sick […]

New Technology to Store Vaccination History in the Body

New Technology to Store Vaccination History in the Body

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) News reported that researchers at the university have developed a way to record a person’s vaccination history and store the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, by infusing it under the skin at the same time the vaccine is given.1 The idea is to […]

CDC Funds New Hampshire Vaccine Registry

CDC Funds New Hampshire Vaccine Registry

New Hampshire’s Executive Council voted on Dec. 18, 2019 to accept $1.5 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create an Immunization Information System (IIS). According to the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, New Hampshire is currently the only state without vaccine tracking system.1 The IIS electronic tracking […]

‘Unethical’ Clinical Trials of Vaccines Pose Threat to Human Lives

‘Unethical’ Clinical Trials of Vaccines Pose Threat to Human Lives

Opinion | Primum non nocere—“first, do no harm”—is a basic tenet of medical ethics. That is about to change in India. “Controlled Human Infection Method” (CHIM) studies are planned to be introduced here. Humans are to be deliberately infected with diseases to test the efficiency of experimental vaccines. It will provide a shortcut to vaccine licensing […]

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