Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Universities Face Lawsuits Over Policies That Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine

Universities Face Lawsuits Over Policies That Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine

Michigan State college has to answer in court for its new COVID-19 vaccination mandate that does not exempt individuals who have acquired natural immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus after recovering from the infection. The federal class action lawsuit filed by New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) on behalf of a school employee, who was subject to […]

Naval Commander Warns that Military Vaccine Mandate Poses Threat to National Security

Naval Commander Warns that Military Vaccine Mandate Poses Threat to National Security

A U.S. Naval Commander is warning that the Pentagon’s orders to mandate the COVID-19 vaccination for all service members could be a threat to national security due to unknown effects of vaccine complications.1 Naval Officer J.H. Furman said that further study is needed before requiring the entire military force, which is comprised of an estimated […]

All Members of the U.S. Armed Forces Will Be Required to Be Vaccinated for COVID

All Members of the U.S. Armed Forces Will Be Required to Be Vaccinated for COVID

In a stark change from military official and Pentagon stances given over the past few months, all military members will be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine currently being distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that the deadline […]

COVID Vaccine Mandates Strongly Opposed in Europe, U.S. as Vaccine Failures Increase

COVID Vaccine Mandates Strongly Opposed in Europe, U.S. as Vaccine Failures Increase

Since coronavirus pandemic lockdowns were implemented by many governments in 2020, people around the world have held largely peaceful protests against unprecedented social distancing restrictions that are devastating global economies and ruining people’s lives.1 2 3 4 Now, faced with being ordered to obey new laws that require them to be injected with COVID-19 vaccines […]

Mandating a Novel Vaccine is a Novel Legal Issue

Mandating a Novel Vaccine is a Novel Legal Issue

The emergency use authorization (EUA) granted to vaccine manufacturers by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow experimental COVID-19 vaccines to be distributed to the U.S. population states that the product is “an investigational vaccine not licensed for any indication” and requires that all “promotional material relating to the COVID-19 Vaccine clearly and […]

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