Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Australia, U.S. Financially Penalize Citizens Refusing Vaccines

Australia, U.S. Financially Penalize Citizens Refusing Vaccines

The war on informed consent rights is getting more intense, with alarming new threats to our freedom to make vaccine choices popping up worldwide. We can’t help but ask ourselves, what kind of societal sanctions can possibly be suggested next that will trample on our human and parental rights? Well, mates, look no further than Australia, where the government is…

Doctors Advocate for Outlawing All Personal Belief Exemptions for MMR Vaccine

Doctors Advocate for Outlawing All Personal Belief Exemptions for MMR Vaccine

In the midst of growing public opposition to efforts by pharmaceutical and medical trade lobbyists to persuade state legislators to eliminate all non-medical exemptions from vaccine laws, a group of doctors in Seattle, WA have published an article in the March 2016 edition of the journal Pediatrics that ostensibly supports more flexible religious and conscientious…

We Will Not Give Up Our Human Rights for Our Civil Rights

Mothers and fathers of California, you have come to Sacramento today to participate in our democracy and defend your freedom. You are here because you love your children. And there is no power on earth greater than the love we have for our children. The right of the state to tell us what to do to our bodies or the bodies of our children ends where our right to protect…

The Moral Right to Exemption to Vaccination

Following a televised debate with Neal Halsey, M.D. on mandatory vaccination on NBC’s “The Today Show” in March 1997, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher was invited to make a presentation at the May 2, 1997 meeting of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, […]

First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers

Earlier this year I spent a few days at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center with my daughter who was having an EEG done. On our way home, I learned that there had been an outbreak of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria while we were there, that it had infected seven people and killed two of them. […]

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