Sunday, September 22, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Google Joins the Pharmaceutical Industry

Google Joins the Pharmaceutical Industry

Story Highlights Google, the world’s most widely used internet search engine, restructured itself to give semi-independence to its many subsidiary organizations under a new umbrella entity called Alphabet. Two of the divisions are focused on the business of medicine and operate in partnership with some of the world’s most powerful pharmaceutical companies that develop and […]

Big Shortage of Doctors for Chronically Ill Americans

Big Shortage of Doctors for Chronically Ill Americans

Story Highlights A recent survey released by Merritt Hawkins reveals that not only are American hospitals and clinics facing a shortage of primary care physicians but also a shortage of medical specialists. The survey attributes this to an aging population. However, the report also reveals that there is a shortage of pediatric subspecialties indicating a […]

MMR Vaccine Sales Boost Merck’s 2019 Revenues

MMR Vaccine Sales Boost Merck’s 2019 Revenues

After the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publicized measles outbreaks in several states beginning in January 2019, on May 1 Merck & Co. announced that it had increased production of its live attenuated (weakened) virus MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine in response to an increasing demand for the product in the United States. […]

Former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Joins Pfizer

Former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Joins Pfizer

Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD has joined the board of directors of Pfizer, Inc.—the world’s largest pharmaceutical company and second largest manufacturer of vaccines. Pfizer, which posted total revenues of $53.7 billion in 2018, announced Dr. Gottlieb’s election to the board on June 27, 2019.1 2 3 4 Dr. Gottlieb, […]

Market for Breathing Machines Alive and Well

Market for Breathing Machines Alive and Well

The market for “iron lung” machines is estimated at well over $2 billion annually. Of course, the machines are no longer referred to as iron lungs, because the technology has advanced and they’re now called “ventilators.” Several studies have been published during the past year estimating the annual value of the market for ventilators and […]

Blockbuster Vaccine Sales Drive Higher Earnings for Merck

Blockbuster Vaccine Sales Drive Higher Earnings for Merck

Merck & Co., Inc. reported a strong financial start to 2019, with an eight percent increase in it first-quarter earnings, due partly to vaccine sales. Worldwide sales for the pharmaceutical company in the first quarter reached $10.8 billion, up from approximately $10 billion in the first quarter of 2018. Merck attributed the overall growth to […]

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