Wednesday, September 18, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


CDC Colluded with Big Tech to Censor COVID Vaccine Information, Evidence Shows

CDC Colluded with Big Tech to Censor COVID Vaccine Information, Evidence Shows

America First Legal (AFL), a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC that works to defend American citizens from unconstitutional government overreach, released documents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealing evidence of collusion between the CDC and major social media corporations to censor free speech on the COVID-19 pandemic and promote a […]

COVID Vaccine Mandates Could Cripple National Guard

COVID Vaccine Mandates Could Cripple National Guard

The National Guard is a unique branch of the U.S. military that holds both state and national responsibilities ranging from responding to domestic natural disasters to supporting overseas operations. But tens of thousands of National Guard troops are at risk of being discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, worrying lawmakers on Capitol Hill that the […]

COVID Vaccination May Impair Innate Immune Function

COVID Vaccination May Impair Innate Immune Function

Epidemiologist and researcher, Paul Alexander, PhD warns that COVID-19 vaccination could permanently damage the innate immune system in children and prevent it from functioning and developing normally.1 The innate (cellular) immune system acts as the first line of defense against the challenge of pathogens causing infectious disease. When the innate immune system identifies pathogenic viruses, […]

COVID-19 Mystery: Why Some People Get It and Others Don’t

COVID-19 Mystery: Why Some People Get It and Others Don’t

All of the things that someone would do if they wanted to contract COVID, I unknowingly did all of those things before I knew that he had it. We drink from the same water bottle, I finished his food for him, we’d take naps together… he accidentally coughs in my face. I tested negative six […]

Medical Journals are Funded by the Pharmaceutical Industry

Medical Journals are Funded by the Pharmaceutical Industry

The medical community has long used scientific research to guide individual care, industry protocols, and what is known within the medical community as best practice or standard of care. With differing opinions about best treatment options, the final say often comes down to what clinical research shows—with documentation in peer-reviewed medical journals being the gold […]

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