Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


South African Variant of SARS-CoV-2 Virus May Evade Vaccines

South African Variant of SARS-CoV-2 Virus May Evade Vaccines

Story Highlights A highly transmissible new strain of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has been identified in South Africa and has now spread to at least eight other countries including the U.K., Switzerland, Finland, Japan, Australia, Zambia, France and South Korea. The mutations of the new strain represent significant changes to key structures involved […]

Spain Creates a List of Those Who Refuse to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Spain Creates a List of Those Who Refuse to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Spain has become the first country in Europe to create a register maintained by the government with a list of the names of citizens who have refused the COVD-19 vaccine, a list which will be shared with other European governments. Spain’s Minister of Health Salvador Illa recently announced that the country will be setting up […]

FDA Opposes COVID-19 Vaccination Dose and Schedule Changes to Vaccinate More People

FDA Opposes COVID-19 Vaccination Dose and Schedule Changes to Vaccinate More People

Only two weeks after the first experimental biologic for SARS-CoV-2 became available, the U.S. was more than 16 millions doses behind Operation Warp Speed’s goal of giving COVID-19 vaccines to 20 million people by the end of 2020.1 Responding to the slow rollout, Operation Warp Speed chief adviser Moncef Slaoui, MD proposed giving half-doses to […]

The Worst Part about Social Media Censorship is ***********

The Worst Part about Social Media Censorship is ***********

Ah, social media… It started as a fun way to convince your friends you were better than them, while secretly hating your life. But then it developed into the dominant way of sharing political information to annoy all of your acquaintances. … But isn’t is right we’re able to spread information so much more easily […]

Miami Obstetrician Develops Bleeding Disorder, Dies After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

Miami Obstetrician Develops Bleeding Disorder, Dies After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

Gregory Michael, MD, an obstetrician in private practice at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach received a first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 18 and died 16 days later of a cerebral hemorrhage (stroke).1 Within three days of taking the shot, he developed symptoms of a severe autoimmune bleeding […]

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