Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Pharmacists, Pharmacy Interns Given Green Light to Vaccinate Children

Pharmacists, Pharmacy Interns Given Green Light to Vaccinate Children

Under an amendment to the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP), pharmacists and pharmacy interns in the United States are now permitted to administer vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to children over three years of age.1 Currently, there are 28 states that allow pharmacists to administer vaccinations to […]

Public Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccine Faces Many Hurdles

Public Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccine Faces Many Hurdles

Story Highlights Even before a vaccine against COVID-19 has been introduced to the public in the U.S., expectations for it are low. Dr. Anthony Fauci warns that a COVID-19 vaccine is not expected to be either long-lasting or more than 50 to 60 percent effective. Citing experience with other vaccines, a COVID-19 vaccine is not […]

Flu Vaccination Associated With Increased Viral Shedding

Flu Vaccination Associated With Increased Viral Shedding

Opinion | When your body is infected with a disease-causing virus such as influenza, the virus is “shed” into the environment, via your saliva and other bodily fluids and skin lesions. If someone comes in contact with that shed virus, it’s possible that they, too, will become infected with the virus. There’s still a lot of […]

Vaccines Rely on Horseshoe Crab’s Blue Blood for Purity

Vaccines Rely on Horseshoe Crab’s Blue Blood for Purity

Every spring, 500,000 Atlantic Horseshoe Crabs are collected by four biopharmaceutical companies as they crawl to the mid-Atlantic beaches to lay their eggs.  The helmet-shaped arthropods are placed upside down on a rack, and a sterile needle is inserted near the heart to collect about 30 percent of their blood.1 2  The crabs are returned […]

Will California Make the COVID Vaccine Mandatory at Schools?

Will California Make the COVID Vaccine Mandatory at Schools?

There are five vaccines that kids in California have to get to go to school, and a lot of people are wondering if the eventual COVID-19 vaccine will be added to that list. … On its website, the California Department of Public Health seems to suggest that a COVID vaccine could become mandatory at any […]

How Government “Cures” Drive Out Real Cures

How Government “Cures” Drive Out Real Cures

Opinion | Scurvy, we all know, is a disease caused by a vitamin C deficiency. It took almost 200 years from the time a “lemon juice” cure for scurvy was discovered until it was promoted by the British government. Some think the mental biases that caused the needless deaths of millions have been eliminated in […]

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