Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Autism Rate in New Jersey Up 43 Percent

Autism Rate in New Jersey Up 43 Percent

A study by Rutgers University has found that the rate of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) four-year-old children in New Jersey rose by 43 percent from 2010 to 2014, to an estimated rate of 1 in 35 children—the highest of any state in the United States. According to the research, which was published earlier this year […]

Malnutrition in America

Malnutrition in America

Opinion | While the news is full of stories of malnutrition elsewhere in the world, many people don’t realize that malnutrition is a problem in the United States, as well. Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function.1 […]

Higher Humidity in Buildings Can Help Lower Infections

Higher Humidity in Buildings Can Help Lower Infections

Harvard Medical School graduate and pediatric oncologist Stephanie Taylor, MD once took care of children with cancer at a teaching hospital. She wondered why many of her young patients contracted infections, such as influenza, despite the hospital’s heavy emphasis on prevention. Taylor began to suspect increased susceptibility to contracting infections might have something to do […]

Samoa Measles Emergency Extended

Samoa Measles Emergency Extended

On Dec. 20, 2019, the government of Samoa announced that 94 percent of the island nation’s population of about 200,000 people had been vaccinated against measles as part of a government-led mandatory, mass vaccination campaign. As of Dec. 20, the Samoan Ministry of Health (MOH) had confirmed 5,463 reported cases with 1,762 hospitalizations and 78 […]

Indonesia: Measles, Chickenpox Kill Dozens of Children

Indonesia: Measles, Chickenpox Kill Dozens of Children

Asmat tribe in Papua. Barely alive. Their bodies exhausted and weak from hunger and disease. Undernourished, they’re battling against outbreaks of measles and chickenpox. Military medical teams have arrived in some remote areas. Maria Epam and her husband Linus had to travel for five hours and their six-month-old daughter would not survive. Our daughter has […]

‘Unethical’ Clinical Trials of Vaccines Pose Threat to Human Lives

‘Unethical’ Clinical Trials of Vaccines Pose Threat to Human Lives

Opinion | Primum non nocere—“first, do no harm”—is a basic tenet of medical ethics. That is about to change in India. “Controlled Human Infection Method” (CHIM) studies are planned to be introduced here. Humans are to be deliberately infected with diseases to test the efficiency of experimental vaccines. It will provide a shortcut to vaccine licensing […]

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