Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


“Vaccine” for Celiac Disease Would Work Like Allergy Shots

“Vaccine” for Celiac Disease Would Work Like Allergy Shots

Story Highlights A new experimental “vaccine” for celiac disease is ready to be tested in a clinical trial. The “vaccine”, which is type of immunotherapy, is said to work like allergy shots. Allergy shots currently on the market have side effects and contain ingredients such as aluminum and phenol, which can be toxic for humans. […]

FDA Expands the Market for Gardasil Vaccine Use

FDA Expands the Market for Gardasil Vaccine Use

Story Highlights Merck’s new Gardasil 9 human papillomavirus vaccine has now been approved for use in men and women to age 45. Expanded routine administration of Gardasil 9 in older people may raise cervical cancer risks for some adult women who are actively infected with HPV. The American Cancer Society does not expect Gardasil 9 […]

AFM Compared to Guillain-Barré Syndrome

AFM Compared to Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Right now there is no conclusive evidence that recently reported cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) primarily reported in children is caused by a virus. All there is at the moment is speculation that a virus could be causing this polio-like illness. While it may appear that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials are […]

Pediatricians Turn Well Baby Checkups Into Vaccine Battlegrounds

Pediatricians Turn Well Baby Checkups Into Vaccine Battlegrounds

I remember when I took my first-born baby to the pediatrician for his first checkup 40 years ago. Like most young Moms, I looked up to my pediatrician and completely trusted him. I did everything he told me to do, never questioning his expertise or doubting him, believing that he would never recommend or do […]

Pediatricians Turn Well Baby Checkups Into Vaccine Battlegrounds

Pediatricians Turn Well Baby Checkups Into Vaccine Battlegrounds

I remember when I took my first-born baby to the pediatrician for his first checkup 40 years ago. Like most young Moms, I looked up to my pediatrician and completely trusted him. I did everything he told me to do, never questioning his expertise or doubting him, believing that he would never recommend or do […]

Has the Hib Vaccine Simply Shifted the Risk Burden to the Elderly?

Has the Hib Vaccine Simply Shifted the Risk Burden to the Elderly?

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) was a common childhood infection1 the US before the development of the Hib vaccine. It’s unrelated to the influenza virus and, indeed, isn’t even a virus; but the fact that the disease was caused instead by a bacteria wasn’t discovered until after the organism had already got its name. Type […]

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