Wednesday, September 18, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Vaccine Injury Comes in Many Forms… Brensen’s Story

Vaccine Injury Comes in Many Forms… Brensen’s Story

So, we wanted to share our story because whenever people think about vaccine injury they’re thinking autism. It’s always autism or something neurological. Well, with our son it was a skin disease, it was an autoimmune attack on his skin. When Brensen was born in 2008, he was a normal vaginal birth, everything went great, perfect apgar scores… immediately latched on nursing perfectly.

How Big Pharma Maintains Compliance, Brand Loyalty & Market Share

How Big Pharma Maintains Compliance, Brand Loyalty & Market Share

What can pharmaceutical companies do when their target audience cannot or will not comply with their prescribed medication recommendation? They target the caregiver, of course. For some patients, especially the mentally ill or the elderly, compliance is an issue. And Big Pharma does not want patients to miss a single dose of their medication. Compliance techniques are very…

Merck Admits Shingles Vaccine Can Cause Eye Damage… and Shingles

Merck Admits Shingles Vaccine Can Cause Eye Damage… and Shingles

Two important Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved changes to the warning label of Merck Pharmaceutical’s shingles vaccine, Zostavax, have been made since the controversial drug was introduced in 2006. The first was in August 2014, when, in addition to potentially causing chickenpox, another side effect was added: shingles! That’s right. The vaccine that had been—and continues to be—aggressively…

The Hefty Cost of Caring for Children and Adults with Autism

The Hefty Cost of Caring for Children and Adults with Autism

According to the 2014 Health National Survey, 1 in 45 American children between the ages of 3 and 17 years old have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the U.S. This figure is concerning for several reasons, one of which is the financial cost to parents for caring for their child. In the U.S., poverty among families with…

This Herd Mentality is for the Birds

This Herd Mentality is for the Birds

Many of you have heard about the so-called “herd immunity” theory of immunity.1 Forget it. It’s a myth. Yes, I know, what about all those doctors, scientists and public health officials that are constantly parroting the theory on television, radio and printed media? Well, they’re wrong. It’s not the first time the “experts” have gotten it wrong and it won’t be the last. Remember cigarettes?

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