Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Media Struggles to Pin Stupid Label on Well-Educated Vaccine Dissenters

There have been numerous articles in mainstream newspapers and magazines with titles that disparage anyone who questions the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, disagrees (in part or in total) with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommended schedule of vaccines, or opposes the idea of forcing people to get vaccinated against their will.

Understanding the Rationale Behind Vaccines

Understanding the Rationale Behind Vaccines

Story Highlights The prevailing assumption within the medical, government, pharmacology and science communities is that vaccines are safe and effective. Those who question that foundation are said to be relying on quack science. To have a open conversation about the potential dangers of vaccination, we must understand the science behind vaccines. There is no doubt […]

Brazil at Odds With WHO and CDC on Zika-Microcephaly Link

Brazil’s Minister of Public Health Marcelo Castro, MD confirmed that the epidemic of microcephaly cases in his country during the past year are due to the Zika virus being transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In an interview with the Associated Press on Feb. 12, 2016, Minister Castro…

Questioning the Safety of the CDC’s Childhood Vaccine Schedule

Questioning the Safety of the CDC’s Childhood Vaccine Schedule

On the issue of vaccines, there is an abundance of dialogue on ingredients and herd immunity, etc., but what really is the fundamental problem at the heart of this debate? It is because state legislatures mandate vaccines, consequently denying individuals the right to informed consent…

Pyriproxyfen Suspected of Causing Microcephaly in Brazil

Pyriproxyfen Suspected of Causing Microcephaly in Brazil

A report published by Médicos de Pueblos Fumigados (Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Villages) of Argentina on February 3, 2016 discounts the theory that the growth in the number of cases of babies born with microcephaly in Brazil during the past year are due to the Zika virus transmitted…

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