Tuesday, September 24, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


1,800 Children in South Carolina Improperly Vaccinated

1,800 Children in South Carolina Improperly Vaccinated

Greenville Health System (GHS) of South Carolina reported last month that one of their employees administered “less than optimal dosing” of vaccinations for common childhood illnesses during well-child visits and that it was recommending re-vaccination for those potentially affected. GHS, which will soon merge and be renamed Prisma Health, sent certified and regular-delivery letters in […]

Nevada Man Diagnosed With Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Getting Flu Shot

Nevada Man Diagnosed With Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Getting Flu Shot

Shane Morgan of Las Vegas, Nevada was vaccinated against influenza on Nov. 2, 2018. Within 36 hours, he began exhibiting symptoms of influenza. “About 36 hours after he got the flu shot he started to get sick,” said Mr. Morgan’s wife, Monique. After a week of being ill at home, Mr. Morgan told  his wife that […]

Toddler in China Dies Day After MMR Vaccination

Toddler in China Dies Day After MMR Vaccination

A two-year-old boy with the surname Hu died on Nov. 28, 2018 in China’s Hunan province. The child lost consciousness a day after being vaccinated with the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine at a health center in the Chinese city of Changsha (Kaifu district) and was rushed to the hospital, but doctors were not able to revive […]

NY State Senator Dies of Sepsis

NY State Senator Dies of Sepsis

Eight-year-old Amely Baez of LeFrank City, New York died on Feb. 5, 2018 of “flu-related” symptoms, according to local health authorities. Published reports did not indicate whether the child had received the influenza vaccine.1 New York State Senator José Peralta (D-East Elmhurst) said Amely’s death was tragic and that it “reminds us of how dangerous the […]

The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed

The HPV Vaccine on Trial:  Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed

Following is an excerpt from a well referenced book on HPV vaccine reprinted in TVR with the permission of the book’s co-authors. Learn more about this recently published book here and here. Cancer strikes fear in people around the globe. So a vaccine to prevent cancer – as the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is touted […]

Gardasil Was Linked to My Daughter’s Death

Gardasil Was Linked to My Daughter’s Death

Hard evidence refutes Stephen Neidenbach’s recent false and misinformed letter [in the Capital Gazette] on the HPV vaccine and the court case for the Gardasil-induced death of Christina Tarsell. By law since 1986, you cannot sue pharma for injuries and deaths due to childhood vaccines.1 Congress instead created a system called the “vaccine court” to process […]

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