COVID Vaccine Trials | Sharyl Attkisson

Florida’s Surgeon General recently called for a halt in COVID vaccines due to safety questions, while the federal government continues to heavily promote them for adults and kids alike. Today we begin with a little-told story about COVID vaccine injuries. It’s the story of Maddie, one of the children who took part in Pfizer’s vaccine […]
Researcher Blows Whistle on Data Integrity Issues in Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Trial

My name is Brook Johnson. I was fired in September of 2020 for being a whistleblower. I was working on Pfizer’s phase III […] trial on their COVID-19 vaccine. My first day on the job was the 8th of September, and from the very beginning I noticed irregularities, things that were questionable. I would bring […]
Big Pharma Companies are Exploiting the World’s Poor

Medicines are not evolving as fast as the multinational companies would like them to. Many drugs which have been around for a while don’t generate any more income because the costs of the patents have already been written off. So in order to make money, big companies nowadays are constantly looking for new opportunities and […]