Saturday, July 27, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


A New Openness to the Reality of Vaccine Injury?

A New Openness to the Reality of Vaccine Injury?

Normally, when you do a search on Google for “vaccine” of any variant of the word or phrase which includes the word, all you find is articles or websites that proclaim the wonders of vaccines—how these biologic drugs saved humanity from just about everything. You seldom find mention on Google of the downside of these […]

Vaccine Injuries Reported

Vaccine Injuries Reported

I believe that the truth about COVID vaccines is starting to come out. I wasn’t sure whether it would or not for quite a long time—whether this would be suppressed or whether it would come out into the widespread public domain. What I want to look at today is a very encouraging article from The […]

Federal Government Paid Media Outlets to Promote the COVID Vaccine

Federal Government Paid Media Outlets to Promote the COVID Vaccine

After releasing my three-part series earlier this year showing how multiple media outlets refused to platform dissent on the COVID vaccine, I was asked on multiple podcasts why this was the case. Ideological groupthink, fear of exacerbating institutional distrust, and financial motives were on my list of potential explanations, but I did not have concrete evidence. […]

The Great Booster Bust

The Great Booster Bust

Despite eschewing much of social media, television, and trendy media stories, I still couldn’t avoid major mainstream news reports in 2021 and 2022 covering entertainment news about gormless Hollywood/social media types and political officials (who increasingly seem to preen about like Hollywood entertainers) making embarrassing spectacles of themselves getting their mRNA shots and/or gushing online […]

Understanding the 500 Percent Price Increase of Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine

Understanding the 500 Percent Price Increase of Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine

During a 2021 earnings call with stockholders, Pfizer Chief Financial Officer Frank D’Amelio discussed how the company was using “pandemic pricing” to charge $19.50 per COVID-19 vaccine dose, a product it expected to make $15 billion on in 2021. “[There’s] significant opportunity for those margins to improve once we get beyond the pandemic environment that […]

U.S. Facing Severe Shortage of Infectious Disease Physicians

U.S. Facing Severe Shortage of Infectious Disease Physicians

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a focus on the shortage of doctors opting to specialize in infectious disease. According to forecasts by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the United States will face a serious shortage of infectious disease doctors with estimates showing that that by 2035 there will […]

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