Yes, Aborted Fetal Cells, DNA, and Protein are in Vaccines
At least 27 vaccines contain cells, protein, and DNA from aborted babies—and too many to count were used to develop the cell lines used in these vaccines. On December 27, 2024, attorney Aaron Siri joined Tucker Carlson to tackle the contentious issue of vaccines. Midway through the conversation, Siri reignited a topic that few dare […]
More Than Half of U.S. Dog Owners Concerned About Pet Vaccines
The novel messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 shots, notably Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty and Moderna/NIAID’s Spikevax biologics, were not he only shots causing millions of Americans to worry and be skeptical about their safety and efficacy over the past three years. A new study published last month in the journal Vaccine found that more than half of dog […]
Ticks, Mammal Vaccine Ingredients and Alpha-gal Allergy
Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), the delayed, potentially fatal red meat allergy acquired through tick bites, has increased dramatically in the United States, and cases have also been reported in Sweden, Germany and Australia.1 As of 2013, more than 5,000 people in the Southwest U.S. have been diagnosed with the condition.2 In 2007, Scott Commins, MD, an […]
The Dose Makes the Poison in Pet Vaccines
Story Highlights Almost all states in the U.S. require certain core vaccines for companion animals including dogs, cats and ferrets, with many expected to be repeated annually. Vaccine dosages are given on a one-size-fits-all basis, so that Chihuahua puppies and full grown Mastiffs receive the same amount of vaccine. Despite data showing that small breeds […]
Experimental Oral Rabies Vaccines Will Target Wildlife in Nine States
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Wildlife Services (WS) is conducting a rabies control program using an experimental oral rabies vaccine (ORV) to try to stop the spread of rabies among wildlife populations. The USDA is set to use baited traps on the ground or planes to spray wildlife with the experimental oral rabies vaccine, […]