Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Rand Paul Exposes the ‘Great COVID Cover-up’

Rand Paul Exposes the ‘Great COVID Cover-up’

In an explosive new op-ed, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) claimed that at least 15 separate federal agencies knew that attempts to create a COVID-19-like coronavirus were being undertaken at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as early as January 2018. Yet, heads of these agencies did not reveal this information to the public; for years, they actively refused to release information […]

CDC Pushes Pfizer’s Pentavalent Meningococcal Vaccine

CDC Pushes Pfizer’s Pentavalent Meningococcal Vaccine

On Oct. 20, 2023, Pfizer, Inc. announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved its new pentavalent meningococcal vaccine, Penbraya, which targets five meningococcal serogroups (A, B, C, W and Y) that most commonly cause meningococcal disease in adolescents and young adults 10-25 years old. Penbraya, is recommended to be given in two […]

Oral Polio Vaccine Causes Nearly All Cases of Paralytic Polio

Oral Polio Vaccine Causes Nearly All Cases of Paralytic Polio

Despite the introduction in March 2021 of a reportedly more stable and safer oral polio vaccine (OPV) called the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2), cases of circulating vaccine-derived polio (cVDPV) paralysis continue to be reported around the world, Ironically, continuing OPV vaccine campaigns in underdeveloped countries appears to be the main reason the […]

One in Four New Jersey Teens With Autism May Be Undiagnosed

One in Four New Jersey Teens With Autism May Be Undiagnosed

A 2023 study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders found that despite advances in screening and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one in 55 teenagers met the criteria for ASD; however, one in four 16-year-olds on the autism spectrum had not received a formal diagnosis.1 Walter Zahorodny, PhD, an associate professor […]

New Bat Virus Identified in Thailand

New Bat Virus Identified in Thailand

Eco-Health Alliance, the New York-based non-profit that used U.S. government money to fund gain- of-function research on coronaviruses in bats at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), research that has been implicated in the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, recently announced that a new virus has been identified in bats in Thailand.1 2 Dr. Peter […]

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