Monkeypox Fear Fest: Is Smallpox Vaccine on Its Way Back?
This article is an excerpt from a longer fully referenced report by NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher on Mutated Monkeypox Outbreaks and the Anticipated Return of Smallpox Vaccine, which can be read on A day before the July 4, 2024 holiday, Business Insider published an article warning that “Experts are racing to […]
Study Finds Mask Wearing Reduced the Risk of COVID by Only Five Percent
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, societies throughout the world have been divided on the efficacy of face coverings to prevent influenza or influenza-like-illness (ILI), such as COVID. However, research conducted by the independent Cochrane, a charitable medical research organization based in London, England appears to have put to rest this longstanding dispute. Published earlier this year, […]
Health Care Staff Shortages a “National Emergency”
Hospitals and other health care facilities in the United States are suffering a workforce shortage, a crisis that was brewing before the COVID-19 pandemic but has only been amplified since then. The American Hospital Association (AHA) calls the shortages a “national emergency” and, although it is most acute in the nursing field, the effects are […]
Study Finds 25 Percent of Hospitalizations Result in Health Care Related Injuries
A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that hospital related adverse events were identified in nearly one in four hospital admissions, and that approximately one in four of the events were preventable.1 “The authors’ findings are disturbing. These findings suggest that the safety movement has, at best, stalled,” said Donald […]
Big Pharma’s Influence in Shaping the U.S. Medical Model
The United States is the most medicated country in the world, with 70 percent of Americans using at least one prescription drug daily. The U.S. also has the highest rates of obesity, heart disease, childhood illness, and autoimmune disease, yet it often touts its health care and medical research as the best in the world.1 The […]
Vaccinologist Develops Tinnitus After COVID Shot, Calls for More Research
Vaccinologist and director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, Gregory M. Poland, MD, who is a leading vaccine developer and pro-mandatory vaccination proponent, has called for further research into the link between COVID-19 vaccination and hearing loss, as well as other auditory conditions such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Dr. Poland experienced a […]