Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Billions of Dollars to Influence Medical Journal Reviewers

More than half of peer reviewers for four of the top medical journals received $1.06 billion in payments from the pharmaceutical industry during 2020-2022 alone, according to a research letter published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The payments went to peer reviewers for four of the leading scientific journals—JAMA, the British […]
Big Pharma’s Influence in Shaping the U.S. Medical Model

The United States is the most medicated country in the world, with 70 percent of Americans using at least one prescription drug daily. The U.S. also has the highest rates of obesity, heart disease, childhood illness, and autoimmune disease, yet it often touts its health care and medical research as the best in the world.1 The […]
Medical Journals are Funded by the Pharmaceutical Industry

The medical community has long used scientific research to guide individual care, industry protocols, and what is known within the medical community as best practice or standard of care. With differing opinions about best treatment options, the final say often comes down to what clinical research shows—with documentation in peer-reviewed medical journals being the gold […]