Sound the Shofar of Freedom

Three times daily we implore G-d in prayer: “Sound the great shofar for our freedom.” As we prepare to sound the shofar and usher in the new Jewish year this Sunday, it’s high time we assess the precarious state of freedom in our present day. In case you haven’t been paying attention, freedom is in […]
Vaccines are Kind of Like the Emperor’s New Clothes

Whether or not one supports the removal of religious exemptions to vaccination, the discussion about the issue should at least be accurate and honest. Sadly, agenda-driven hyperbole has hijacked the narrative in recent years, and oft-repeated mistruths have evolved to become widely-accepted dogma that may not be questioned. It is time to call out the […]
Bodily Autonomy and Halacha

Opinion | Is bodily autonomy a Jewish value? Freedom of movement and personal choice is at the very core of liberty. The verse etched on our Liberty Bell is a direct quote from Levitcus 25:10 – “You shall proclaim liberty throughout the land” (on the Jubilee year). “Liberty – דרור” is defined by Rashi to mean “one […]