Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Billions of Dollars to Influence Medical Journal Reviewers
More than half of peer reviewers for four of the top medical journals received $1.06 billion in payments from the pharmaceutical industry during 2020-2022 alone, according to a research letter published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The payments went to peer reviewers for four of the leading scientific journals—JAMA, the British […]
Life-Threatening Skin Reactions Linked to Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics
According to a large, two-decade-long study of older adults, commonly prescribed oral antibiotics are linked to skin reactions known as cutaneous adverse drug reactions (cADRs), which can be life-threatening. These cADRs can vary significantly in severity and symptoms, ranging from mild, itchy rashes to life-threatening reactions that cause extensive skin peeling and blistering. In severe […]
Trust in U.S. Doctors and Hospitals Has Declined Since COVID Pandemic
A 2024 survey study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open found that Americans trust in medical doctors and hospitals declined significantly after the COVID-19 pandemic.1 The 2020 pandemic signified a turning point in the public’s trust in the medical profession that was previously deemed to be a trustworthy profession. […]
ADHD Rates Surge Among American Children
ADHD cases have risen at an alarming rate in the United States according to new data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As of 2022, one in nine children had been diagnosed with ADHD—an increase of 5.4 million diagnoses since 2016.1 2 ADHD is formally known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Researchers analyzed […]
Birth Rates Hit Historic Low in U.S.
Birth rates in the United States hit a historic low last year according to data from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and experts say there is evidence that the cause of this decline is not simply due to couples delaying when they wish to start growing their families.1 Just under 3.6 […]
Drinking Water Fluoridation: Is It Safe?
Experts have called the practice of adding the chemical compound fluoride to drinking water as “safe and effective” for decades. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has named it one of the top 10 greatest health achievements of the 20th century. For years, those who have opposed it have been called “anti-science” […]