Saturday, July 27, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Monkeypox Fear Fest: Is Smallpox Vaccine on Its Way Back?

Monkeypox Fear Fest: Is Smallpox Vaccine on Its Way Back?

This article is an excerpt from a longer fully referenced report by NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher on Mutated Monkeypox Outbreaks and the Anticipated Return of Smallpox Vaccine, which can be read on A day before the July 4, 2024 holiday, Business Insider published an article warning that “Experts are racing to […]

Congress Orders Research to Assess COVID Shot Injuries Among U.S. Military Personnel

Congress Orders Research to Assess COVID Shot Injuries Among U.S. Military Personnel

In the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2024, the U.S. Congress is requiring the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to study and report on poor health conditions that active duty members of the Armed Forces developed after administration of COVID-19 shots.1 The NDAA was passed in late 2023 and calls for “a […]

Australian Judge in COVID Shot Case Failed to Disclose Ties to Pfizer

Australian Judge in COVID Shot Case Failed to Disclose Ties to Pfizer

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Australia implemented very strict lockdown measures and public health policies, including mask and COVD shot mandates, curfews, school closures, and restriction of movement of people throughout the country.1 In 2021, the Western Australian Government’s Department of Health published the 2021 West Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance (WAVSS) report that […]

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