WHO Names 17 Pathogens as Top Priorities for Global Vaccine Development

A new World Health Organization (WHO) study published in eBioMedicine last week highlights 17 viral and bacterial pathogens that are major sources of endemic disease around the world and that WHO officials believe should be urgently prioritized for vaccine development. The study marks the WHO’s first global effort to systematically prioritize endemic pathogens with epidemic […]
Man Suffers Painful Facial Nerve Damage After Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Booster Shot

A 54-year-old man from the Omagh, Northern Ireland suffered a severe adverse reaction just days after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) COVID-19 booster shot in December 2021. Larry Lowe, a former college lecturer, musician and runner, said he developed numbness on the right side of his face and began to experience severe […]
FDA Licenses First At-Home Administered Influenza Vaccine

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has licensed the first of its kind live attenuated nasal spray influenza vaccine that can be administered at home. Adults up to the age 49 will be eligible to self-administer the FluMist Home vaccine or give it to their children two to 17 years old as long as […]
COVID-19 Shots Linked to Higher Incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease

Several studies during the past two years have shown a link between COVID-19 vaccination and the development of neurological complications involving different types of brain dysfunction, including Alzheimer’s disease. The most recent of these studies was published earlier this year in the British medical journal QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. Researchers investigated the association between COVID […]
Big Pharma’s Rap Sheet

It was one of those conversations you never forget. We were discussing—of all things—the Covid injections, and I was questioning the early ‘safe and effective’ claims put forward by the pharmaceutical industry. I felt suspicious of how quickly we had arrived at that point of seeming consensus despite a lack of long-term safety data. I […]
Reports of Eye Disorders Spike After COVID Shots

In 2021, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European drug monitoring system known as Vigibase, maintained by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) in Sweden, received 19,916 reports of eye disorders following administration of COVID-19 shots. Vigibase had never recorded such a big spike in eye disorders until these biologics were introduced into the European market.1 Eye […]