Saturday, September 21, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Tara Haelle’s ‘Straight Talk’ on Science, Medicine, Health and Vaccines

Business magazine Forbes regularly features a column by freelancer Tara Haelle. The column goes by the slogan, “I offer straight talk on science, medicine, health and vaccines.” The phrase “straight talk” gives the impression that the brand of writing is independent, balanced, and well-informed—which would suggest a minimal level of editorial bias. During the…

Media Claims Vaccine Victory After Scaring Public Half to Death on Measles

The University of Michigan’s C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI hired GfK Custom Research, LLC to design and conduct a survey of parents’ opinions about the benefits and safety of vaccines, compared to a year ago. GfK is a market research firm that prides itself on being able to “see the big picture.” Its descriptive motto is: “Our team of data scientists…

A Measles Death, Vaccines, and the Media’s Failure to Inform

A Measles Death, Vaccines, and the Media’s Failure to Inform

Last week, it was widely reported in the mainstream media that the autopsy of a woman who died of pneumonia earlier this year in the state of Washington found that she had been infected with measles, making this the first confirmed case of measles-related death in the US since 2003. Playing its usual role, the mainstream media is up in arms, blaming the death…

Ethicist Arthur Caplan Boorishly Attacks Jim Carrey on Vaccines

On July 1, 2015, NBC News published an article titled “Ethicist: Why Jim Carrey is Wrong About Vaccines” by Arthur Kaplan, PhD, who is a professor of bioethics at New York University Medical School’s Department of Population Health, Division of Medical Ethics. The opinion piece was superficially to applaud the signing into law of SB 277 by Governor Jerry Brown of California.

A Woman Died From Measles and I’m (Still) Not Getting Vaccinated

You’ve all heard it by now, a young woman died from pneumonia after an autopsy revealed that she had the measles virus. I just love it when the media (backed of course by their big pharma advertisers) use manipulation techniques to push their agendas, as if we’re sheep wandering aimlessly about without our brains. Do they really think we’re that stupid?

The Fallacy of False Balance

The Fallacy of False Balance

As you probably know, thousands of Australians marched in every capital city in Australia on June 21st to protest against the Abbott government’s planned “No Jab, No Pay” legislation. The only reason you would know this is because you read about it on Facebook, or on this blog or another website since NONE of the Australian media actually…

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