Friday, May 17, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Richard Gale and Gary Null, PhD on the Myth of ‘Settled Science’

excerpts from research on vaccines and vaccination policy

All the data [on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines] is in, so we are told, and no further research and discussion is necessary because vaccines have been officially ruled to pose no neurological and immunological risk to infants, children, pregnant mothers, adults and the elderly. This official policy is founded upon flawed premises and a primitive understanding about the complexities of the human body and its multifaceted immunological system. This argument’s fallacy is actually quite simple.

Bernadine Healy, MD on the Hypothesis That Vaccines Cause Autism

excerpts from research on vaccines and vaccination policy

I think the public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis [that vaccines cause autism] as ‘irrational,’ without sufficient studies of causation. I think they’ve been too quick to dismiss studies in the animal laboratory, either in mice, in primates that do show some concern with regard to certain vaccines and also to the mercury preservative in vaccines. I think the public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis [that vaccines cause autism] as ‘irrational,’ without…

Barbara Loe Fisher on Patterns of Adverse Reactions to Vaccines

excerpts from research on vaccines and vaccination policy

Mothers […] describe how, within days of vaccination, their babies run fevers; scream for hours, fall into a deep sleep, and wake up screaming again; start twitching, jerking, or staring into space as if they can’t hear or see; are covered with body rashes; become restless and irritable; or have a dramatic change in eating or sleeping habits. Others describe a gradual deterioration in overall health, a picture that includes constant ear and respiratory infections and onset of allergies, including asthma…

Barbara Loe Fisher on Defending Our Human and Civil Rights

excerpts from research on vaccines and vaccination policy

[T]here is no power on earth greater than the love we have for our children. The right of the State to tell us what to do to our bodies and the bodies of our children ends where our right to protect our lives and our children’s lives begins. No liability free doctor inside or outside of government should be given the power to punish us if we choose not to play vaccine roulette with liability free vaccines. We believe every life is important. We will not look the other way while those of us vulnerable…

Rachel Carson on Detecting Injury Before Symptoms

excerpts from research on vaccines and vaccination policy

We are accustomed to look for the gross and immediate effect and to ignore all else. Unless this appears promptly and in such obvious form that it cannot be ignored, we deny the existence of hazard. Even research men suffer from the handicap of inadequate methods of detecting the beginnings of injury. The lack of sufficiently delicate methods to detect injury before symptoms appear is one of the great unsolved problems in medicine. “But,” some will object, “I have used dieldrin sprays on the lawn many…

Michael Crichton, MD on Consensus Science

excerpts from research on vaccines and vaccination policy

I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

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