Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce


Bayer Pressures Mexico to Lift Ban on Glyphosate

Bayer Pressures Mexico to Lift Ban on Glyphosate

In June 2020, agricultural and pharmaceutical giant Bayer AG was ordered to pay more than $10 billion in punitive and compensatory damages to U.S. plaintiffs over claims that the company’s glyphosate-containing herbicide known as Roundup caused cancer, specifically non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.1 The World Health Organization (WHO) classified glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen” in 20152 and many individuals, […]

CENSORED: National Vaccine Information Center

CENSORED: National Vaccine Information Center

A highly-rated nonprofit vaccine safety charity has been censored by Facebook on behalf of pharmaceutical industry interests in a purge of vaccine safety information. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) had maintained a Facebook page since 2008. The organization was started 39-years ago. Co-founder and president is Barbara Loe Fisher. Fisher became a vaccine safety advocate after her […]

CDC Reports 1,637 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccinations

CDC Reports 1,637 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccinations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) told The Epoch Times in an e-mail that as of Mar. 8, 2021 over 92 million doses of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 have been injected, with 1,637 deaths occurring following the injections. The CDC claims the vaccines are safe, but a comparison between the rates of deaths […]

Are Vaccine Passports a Good Idea?

Are Vaccine Passports a Good Idea?

With more than 50 million people having now received their first dose of the [COVID-19] vaccine, there are questions about how proof of a vaccination could give people more freedom both at home and, indeed, abroad. Messaging from the government on the possibility of so-called vaccine passports has been mixed. The Foreign Secretary’s suggestion on […]

New York City Waitress Fired for Refusing to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

New York City Waitress Fired for Refusing to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Bonnie Jacobson, a waitress at a restaurant in New York City’s Brooklyn district was fired from her job after she told her supervisor that she was planning to get pregnant and did not want to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccine at the present time.1 COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed in the U.S. under an Emergency […]

Severe Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine Close Schools in Michigan, Ohio and New York

Severe Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine Close Schools in Michigan, Ohio and New York

Schools in three states, Michigan, Ohio and New York were forced to close for a day last month after school staff could not work due to severe side effects from COVID-19 vaccinations. Schools in Alma and Ithaca, Michigan were closed on Feb. 16, 2021 because the majority of the teachers had experienced side effects after […]

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